lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021


    In this entry, I focus on the use of Genially for practicing speaking. I proposed the activity as a Final Task to carry out in the Sixth Grade. The topic we are learning is “At the TV studio”.

    I planned the task in different stages, to be achieved in 4 sessions.

Stage 1: Presentation of the Final Task and show them an example created by me. Then, I start a new Genially to show them a brief demonstration of the use of Genially (modality: presentation).

Stage 2: Establish the groups of three students with homogeneous level to promote the equal participation while using the platform and in the subsequent oral activity (oral presentation).

Stage 3: Choose the topic. The general topic is “At the TV studio” as it is the topic we are studying. They decide a film, TV series or TV show the want to talk about in which they include information related to the items we are learning (actors, actresses, director, camera operators, music…).

Stage 4: Creation of Genially and preparation of the speech.

Stage 5: Oral presentation and co-evaluation. While a group present his work the rest of students evaluate them using a chart.


    To go through the task we used different resources, computer, laptops, Interactive White Board, dictionaries, notebooks, pen, pencils, guideline to follow the steps of the activity and a co-evaluation chart for co-assessment.

    Here I share an embed code and his link as an example of this task:


<div style="width: 100%;"><div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 0; height: 0;"><iframe frameborder="0" width="1200" height="675" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="" type="text/html" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="yes" allownetworking="all"></iframe> </div> </div>


Here we find links and photos/videos/audios of the activity.

    On the first two photos we can see the children holding the charts used to co-evaluate their classmates.

    Genially optimise my students’ learning experience as they are actively involved in the task, they decide the TV show, TV series or film they like the most, so they are motived to know more about it. Moreover, it is interesting for them to explain aspects of it, at the same time they are investigating about the topic of the unit (at the TV studio). Genially gives them the opportunity to work on ICT, what they really like at the same time they look for information on a relevant topic for them.


    Next time, I would like to give them more time to practice the presentation, in this way I will propose not to use a paper to read the speech and promote natural speech during the oral presentation. And probably I let them join with the partners they prefer.

<a href=''>Vector de Personas creado por vectorpouch -</a>

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Foro Interaction

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